101.   This is a position what Asean countries share as only with regional peace can Asean countries focus on their own development, he added.

102.   U.S. President George W. Bush told the United Nations on Saturday that all countries share an urgent obligation to battle terrorism.

103.   U.S. President George W. Bush warned that all countries share an obligation to battle terrorism and will be judged by their response.

104.   Washington and Hanoi have been talking about an agreement to allow the two countries to share research on effects of the defoliants.

105.   While they are often lumped together, these countries have not shared the same fate over the last decade.

106.   While the problems the two countries now share are important in themselves, it is even more important that the bilateral relationship be expanded in the coming century.

107.   When President Bill Clinton visited Mexico in May, he and President Ernesto Zedillo agreed the two countries share responsibility for the drug problem and promised a common strategy.

108.   Frckovski and Granic told reporters both countries shared the same objectives of being a part of the European and Atlantic institutions.

109.   He noted that both countries shared the same type of citrus production and grew similar vegetables and fruit.

110.   However, while the two countries share a similar history of Portuguese colonialism followed by civil war, RENAMO is far from the cohesive fighting force that UNITA is.

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