101.   The church hierarchy, so far, has not censured her.

102.   The church hierarchy has supported Walesa, a devout Catholic, and has warned against election of Kwasniewski, known for his anti-clerical stance.

103.   The decision followed an announcement by the Orthodox Church that neither Patriarch Alexy II nor any other member of the church hierarchy would officiate at the service.

104.   The meeting is expected to give the cardinals directions for a June meeting of the full American church hierarchy in Dallas.

105.   The paper claimed thousands of priests were lured into working for the Securitate with offers of rapid promotion within the church hierarchy and promises of trips abroad.

106.   This weekend, on the eve of a Church of England debate on homosexuality, gay activists accused the church hierarchy of hypocrisy.

107.   Unlike Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, Pataki has had good relations with church hierarchy in his state despite his stance on abortion.

108.   While his opinions made him a media star in France, he repeatedly outraged the conservative church hierarchy.

109.   While Padre Pio was still alive, he had many skeptics in church hierarchy.

110.   While such cases are increasingly ending up in courtrooms, it is rare that the church hierarchy faces trial for covering up.

a. + hierarchy >>共 222
church 15.62%
catholic 7.09%
party 6.96%
social 3.94%
military 3.28%
corporate 3.15%
roman_catholic 3.02%
ruling 2.10%
clerical 1.71%
rigid 1.71%
church + n. >>共 868
leader 11.30%
official 10.55%
member 6.11%
service 5.21%
group 3.49%
bell 3.09%
hierarchy 1.51%
teaching 1.51%
choir 1.24%
compound 1.23%
每页显示:    共 118