101.   The two were able to get close to Massood by posing as journalists, and were reportedly carrying Belgian passports.

102.   The two carry Canadian passports, but refused to seek the help of the Canadian Embassy in Amman.

103.   The two men, who carried Canadian passports, attacked Mashaal as he entered his Amman office, injecting him with a toxic substance.

104.   They reportedly were carrying Belgian passports, which Belgian authorities believe were stolen from a Belgian consulate in France or the embassy in The Hague, Netherlands.

105.   There is a dusk to dawn curfew for foreigners, and passports must be carried at all times.

106.   There are no official ties between the two avowed enemies, and Iran does not normally admit travelers carrying Israeli passports or with Israeli stamps in their passports.

107.   There is a dusk-to-dawn curfew for foreigners, and passports must be carried at all times.

108.   They were carrying diplomatic passports, which normally means they are entitled to deferential treatment.

109.   Those on the list carry passports from countries where members of the terrorist network al-Qaida have traveled through or operate in.

110.   Two did not resemble their passport pictures and the others carried passports without exact dates of birth, immigration officials said.

v. + passport >>共 192
have 8.11%
carry 7.82%
hold 5.90%
confiscate 5.84%
surrender 5.72%
use 5.14%
issue 4.09%
obtain 3.21%
take 3.09%
get 2.80%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
passport 0.50%
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