101.   A study carried out by UN officials and hospital staff showed that patients were roughed up for stealing liquor that belonged to the Canadian peacekeepers.

102.   But a study carried out by UN officials and hospital staff showed that patients were roughed up for having stolen liquor belonging to the Canadian peacekeepers.

103.   Canadian peacekeepers will return home when the UN Protection Force withdraws from Croatia, Canadian Foreign Minister Andre Ouellet said Tuesday.

104.   Earlier in the day, Chamorro presented medals to three former Canadian peacekeepers who had served with the United Nations in Nicaragua.

105.   Fifty Canadian peacekeepers are due to leave next February.

106.   The new figure included eight Canadian peacekeepers stationed in the Sarajevo suburb of Ilidza, who were captured overnight Saturday, a UN official confirmed.

107.   The spokesman did not say how and when the Canadian peacekeeper had communicated with other UN officials.

108.   Thirty Canadian peacekeepers serving in the UN mission in Bosnia were disarmed by Bosnian Serbs overnight and taken hostage, Defense Minister David Collenette said Friday.

109.   Thirty Canadian peacekeepers were disarmed by Bosnian Serbs overnight and taken hostage, Defense Minister David Collenette said Friday.

110.   Two Canadian peacekeepers on duty near to the Bosnian capital Sarajevo were slightly injured in two separate incidents on Friday United Nations officials reported on Saturday.

a. + peacekeeper >>共 230
french 12.61%
international 10.53%
russian 9.42%
nato-led 7.09%
dutch 6.61%
british 4.50%
ukrainian 3.77%
canadian 3.73%
bangladeshi 2.43%
african 2.33%
canadian + n. >>共 811
government 5.13%
stock 4.79%
dollar 4.26%
official 4.03%
company 3.02%
team 2.17%
border 2.08%
authority 1.82%
soldier 1.16%
bond 1.16%
peacekeeper 1.00%
每页显示:    共 116