101.   Boos, whistles and empty beer cans on ice.

102.   But Canadian coach Shiaz Virjee denied his players had been violent, saying the crowd pelted unprotected Canadian players with water bottles and beer cans.

103.   By late afternoon, cleaning crews were sweeping beer cans and other trash from the traffic lanes and police were reopening the highway.

104.   Crews swept broken glass, empty beer cans and other debris off downtown streets Monday after a post-Super Bowl free-for-all pitted vandalizing fans against police officers.

105.   Earlier this year, the Yankees billed the Orioles after Belle threw beer cans through a wall in the clubhouse at Yankee Stadium.

106.   Every morning, shop owners find feces, beer cans, bottles and other trash left behind by the homeless people.

107.   Fans fought each other with sticks and beer cans.

108.   Fans in the square shuffled around dejectedly, moving past emptied beer cans and bottles.

109.   He pleaded guilty to charges of throwing chairs and beer cans at Marseille police.

110.   In the southern port city of Marseille, several hundred English soccer fans threw bottles and beer cans at police in helmets and shields.

n. + can >>共 273
trash 28.72%
beer 12.39%
soda 4.67%
aluminum 4.18%
spray 3.70%
aerosol 3.14%
paint 2.17%
soup 2.01%
gas 1.69%
gasoline 1.53%
beer + n. >>共 331
bottle 11.41%
can 8.92%
company 3.82%
sale 3.82%
drinker 3.53%
market 3.47%
commercial 2.49%
garden 2.37%
maker 2.14%
belly 1.91%
每页显示:    共 153