101.   FIL files referenced are available to LIFESPAN RDBI.

102.   It provides a further list of options, some of which can be accessed by all LIFESPAN users, some of which are available only to certain privileged users.

103.   Most offline facilities are available only to a user with Offline Manager privilege.

104.   This option enables you to register and update the media types which are available to the LIFESPAN Offline System.

105.   The information displayed by this option is available to all users, regardless of association with the DCs requested.

106.   Next, it is necessary to specify the physical units which are available to the offline system.

107.   Full membership of the organisation is available to all licenced users of LIFESPAN, and may be obtained simply by notifying the secretary of the LIFESPAN User Group.

108.   Meetings of the LSUG take place twice a year, and attendance is available to all full members.

109.   From the clinical perspective, services should be available to all who request them.

v. + available + to >>共 10
be 64.63%
make 32.05%
become 2.43%
remain 0.43%
break 0.14%
have 0.11%
leave 0.11%
discover 0.04%
keep 0.04%
want 0.04%
be + available + p. >>共 49
for 33.93%
to 13.55%
in 13.44%
on 9.78%
at 8.39%
from 7.51%
through 2.30%
by 1.67%
as 1.47%
until 1.32%
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