101.   Attending were Palestinian ministers, the PLO executive committee and members of both the elected Legislative Council and the Palestine National Council, the PLO parliament.

102.   Attending the summit were leaders of Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Eritrea and Djibouti, as well as the transitional government of Somalia.

103.   Attending the conference were defense ministers of Poland and the three Baltic countries -- Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

104.   Attending were West Bank preventive security chief Colonel Jibril Rajoub, his Gaza Strip counterpart Mohammad Dahlan, Israeli internal security chief Avi Dichter and Israeli army officials.

105.   Attending the summit are leaders of Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Eritrea, Djibouti, and the transitional government of Somalia.

106.   Attending were Palestinian ministers, the PLO executive committee and members of the both elected Palestinian Legislative Council and the Palestine National Council, the PLO parliament.

v. + attend >>共 90
be 37.06%
arrive 6.29%
grow_up 4.55%
apply 2.45%
return 2.45%
approve 1.75%
use 1.75%
allow 1.40%
cancel 1.40%
opt 1.40%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
attend 0.74%
每页显示:    共 105