101.   Turmoil in Kosovo has revived fears of a new Balkan conflict.

102.   U.N. officials renewed warnings that involvement of Croatian Serb forces could drag in the regular Croatian army, and the Balkan conflict could spin out of control.

103.   U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali expressed confidence Monday that the United Nations eventually will achieve a negotiated settlement of the Balkan conflict.

104.   Western powers also are opposed, fearing a change of borders could trigger a larger Balkan conflict.

105.   White announced that his federation has begun a campaign of assistance to the journalists, victims of the Balkan conflict.

106.   War in Kosovo could erupt into a larger Balkan conflict, involving neighbors Albania and Macedonia, and possibly spreading from there to Bulgaria and even Greece.

107.   War is nothing new to Macedonia, the cauldron for at least two major Balkan conflicts early this century.

108.   Western powers also oppose it since a change of borders could trigger a larger Balkan conflict.

109.   Would NATO get bogged down in a Balkan conflict?

110.   Holbrooke held four hours of discussions with Milosevic centred on US proposals for ending the Balkan conflicts by effectively splitting Bosnia between Serbian and Croatian spheres of influence.

a. + conflict >>共 875
armed 6.03%
ethnic 4.63%
scheduling 3.04%
potential 2.92%
internal 2.68%
bosnian 2.68%
regional 2.65%
military 2.60%
arab-israeli 2.36%
current 1.97%
balkan 1.83%
balkan + n. >>共 294
country 15.63%
war 11.95%
nation 6.53%
leader 6.11%
conflict 6.02%
peace 4.81%
region 4.25%
state 4.25%
crisis 2.01%
republic 1.68%
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