101.   The elections to an autonomy council were to have been held in August but have already been delayed until December.

102.   The European Union has agreed to coordinate the work of the observers who will ensure that no irregularities occur during the elections to a Palestinian autonomy council.

103.   The deal is to cover an Israeli army redeployment outside Palestinian towns on the West Bank, the transfer of civilian powers and elections to an autonomy council.

104.   The document will govern the operation of the Authority until an autonomy council is elected before the end of this year.

105.   The council will remain in charge at least until the Palestinians hold elections to an autonomy council, which are now scheduled to be held in October.

106.   The explosion came during the early days of an election campaign for an autonomy council which Arafat hopes will consolidate his self-rule authority.

107.   The Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS said it may take part in elections -- but only if the Palestinian autonomy council had enough power to scrap the self-rule deal.

108.   The minister said discussions Thursday would focus on elections to an autonomy council, water-sharing and control of holy shrines on the West Bank.

109.   The handover is to be followed by the redeployment of Israeli troops away from Palestinian populated centers on the West Bank and elections to a Palestinian autonomy council.

110.   The Japanese will also send observers to elections to an autonomy council, Nasahshibi told reporters.

n. + council >>共 295
self-rule 9.84%
district 6.76%
autonomy 6.64%
parish 4.78%
business 3.38%
borough 3.38%
policy-making 2.62%
policy 2.62%
village 2.10%
cross-border 1.86%
autonomy + n. >>共 76
accord 27.43%
agreement 19.53%
deal 9.73%
council 7.70%
talk 5.74%
negotiation 4.93%
government 2.57%
proposal 2.57%
election 2.30%
plan 2.09%
每页显示:    共 113