101.   The amnesty covers crimes including high treason, mutiny, armed rebellion and conspiracy against the state.

102.   The armed rebellion began when ethnic Tutsis who have been living in eastern Zaire for decades were threatened with expulsion.

103.   The critical question is whether dos Santos will try to defuse the armed rebellion by offering Savimbi a government post.

104.   The balloting was intended to cap the violence that has gripped Albania for months since protests over failed high-risk investment schemes burst into armed rebellion.

105.   The deep political split has fed the anarchy that has consumed Albania since protests against failed investment schemes burst into armed rebellion in March.

106.   The government also pardoned all ethnic Albanians sentenced during the insurgency on charges of treason, mutiny, armed rebellion and conspiracy against the state.

107.   The group advocates armed rebellion against Serbia to achieve independence for southern Kosovo province, which is predominately ethnic Albanian.

108.   The impeachment motion also alleges Mugabe committed human rights abuses in crushing an armed rebellion in the western Matabeleland province.

109.   The last vice president, Alexander Rutskoi, led an armed rebellion against Yeltsin in the fall of that year that failed and prompted the constitutional changes.

110.   The letter, purportedly signed by Gregori Zinoviev, a leader of the Bolshevik revolution, called on British Communist Party members to promote armed rebellion and class war.

a. + rebellion >>共 243
armed 14.24%
serb 7.32%
separatist 4.55%
military 3.46%
open 2.97%
indian 2.08%
kurdish 2.08%
violent 1.98%
anti-government 1.88%
popular 1.88%
armed + n. >>共 339
man 9.68%
group 9.62%
robbery 5.65%
police 4.76%
guard 4.75%
conflict 3.43%
soldier 3.02%
gang 2.87%
struggle 2.57%
rebel 1.85%
rebellion 1.16%
每页显示:    共 143