101.   His approval ratings rebounded after his handling of the Oklahoma City bombing, and no primary challenger has materialized.

102.   However, his approval ratings have been slipping, especially this year, amid concern about political freedom in the country.

103.   However, Luntz doubted Clinton could greatly improve his own lackluster approval ratings because of his own reputation for flip-flopping on the issues.

104.   I figured my own approval rating could use a boost, too.

105.   If a poll were taken of players regarding Gene Upshaw, executive director of the National Football League Players Association, his approval ratings would be sky-high.

106.   If the president wants to maintain high approval ratings, he must produce results.

107.   In a recent poll by the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, Republican voters in New York gave Dole the highest approval ratings among prospective Republican candidates.

108.   In February, as the Monica Lewinsky story ballooned, the network heavy-thinkers treated the Clinton approval ratings as a baffling but somewhat amusing anomaly.

109.   In recent years, however, the leader has become more the butt of jokes than the admired democrat, with approval ratings in the single digits.

110.   In Texas, for instance, the approval ratings are almost identical for Republican Gov. Bush and Democratic President Clinton.

n. + rating >>共 273
approval 17.38%
television 12.88%
popularity 4.33%
poll 3.82%
debt 3.54%
risk 2.76%
bond 2.59%
job 2.08%
investment-grade 1.80%
investment 1.74%
approval + n. >>共 102
rating 39.97%
process 32.21%
procedure 2.46%
listing 1.94%
time 1.42%
rate 1.16%
requirement 1.03%
sheet 0.78%
system 0.78%
delay 0.65%
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