101.   French Prime Minister Alain Juppe has commented that if the rules are applied too literally they would become unworkable.

102.   In a letter to the US Treasury Department, Miller called the verification step required discriminatory, saying that EU countries may apply the rules differently.

103.   If accepted, the rule would be applied to all ferries in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and part of the Atlantic Ocean, Sundstroem said.

104.   An investigation was carried out which accepted the good faith of the athlete and we applied the rules.

105.   Beijing wants the non-discriminatory rule applied to all APEC members,, including iteslf.

106.   Blatter said the jump in yellow cards shows that most referees are applying the rules more strictly rather than indicating an increase in fouls.

107.   But, making the announcement, Immigration Minister Sergio Marchi said stricter rules would be applied to any future claim for refugee status by a Chinese citizen.

108.   The other night I applied the rules.

109.   They concluded that there was no reason not to apply the rules on government aid to financial institutions, while taking the possible consequences on financial markets into consideration.

110.   Kelly pointed out that the Bosman judgement came about because RFC Liege had not applied the rules properly.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
apply 1.02%
apply + n. >>共 947
pressure 11.38%
law 5.26%
coat 3.29%
rule 2.55%
standard 2.33%
sanction 2.26%
brake 2.15%
principle 1.93%
technology 1.37%
makeup 1.32%
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