101.   The ads are running nationally, on network and cable television.

102.   The ads run in fashion magazines and on billboards and bus shelters.

103.   The ads will run for an indefinite period of time, said Dagoberto Vega, a DNC spokesman.

104.   The ads will run in the major markets of those states and in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Friday and Monday.

105.   The ads will run Tuesday through Thursday in Washington, Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio.

106.   The Associated Press noted that the ad is running in Kansas City, where a bitter battle over school desegregation is being fought.

107.   The Chevron ad had run in the November issue of the magazine.

108.   The church, which delivers meals to congregation members who are homebound with AIDS, recently allowed a church ad to run in a gay newsletter.

109.   The first print ad will run weekly in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

110.   The Democrats have ads running in East Texas, where, according to Williamson, the Dole camp now only has radio ads.

n. + run >>共 1532
time 3.10%
company 1.82%
man 1.40%
people 1.39%
train 1.37%
government 1.16%
candidate 1.16%
car 1.03%
ad 0.93%
newspaper 0.92%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
run 5.76%
show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
begin 2.32%
say 1.99%
have 1.85%
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