101.   To those of a certain age, the story will be familiar.

102.   To journalists of a certain age, the Winship era was golden and seductive, even with clear and personal knowledge of its imperfections.

103.   We even have definitive proof now that people of a certain age are not qualified to vote in Florida.

104.   We of a certain age remember Fala, probably the most famous of all White House pets.

105.   We realized they were writing because they had reached a certain age and were putting their affairs in order.

106.   Viewers of a certain age.

107.   We walk the circle near our homes each morning, two ladies of a certain age intent on improving our health and hopeful of improving our figures.

108.   When a jet reaches a certain age or a certain number of take-offs and landings, it must undergo specific kinds of maintenance to remain in service.

109.   When you get to a certain age, most people discover that sex is not the point of life.

110.   When you get to a certain age, you want to be on a team with an opportunity to win a championship and that caters to your strength.

a. + age >>共 615
early 15.01%
young 8.83%
same 5.36%
new 5.17%
digital 3.35%
a 3.00%
different 2.43%
younger 2.43%
average 2.10%
modern 2.03%
a + n. >>共 1334
extent 5.61%
level 5.07%
age 2.85%
kind 2.78%
point 2.63%
time 2.24%
degree 2.20%
way 2.11%
charge 1.80%
percentage 1.55%
每页显示:    共 126