91.   Palestinian police said the militants fired on Israeli troops at an army roadblock, wounding one soldier before being killed themselves.

92.   Philippine air force Huey helicopters quickly evacuated Mrs. Burnham and seven wounded soldiers to Zamboanga city, where the Philippine military has its Southern Command and a military hospital.

93.   Rebels fired occasionally on federal checkpoints overnight in Grozny and one Russian soldier was slightly wounded, ITAR-Tass said.

94.   A Bosnian government soldier was also wounded in another Sarajevo suburb Sunday.

95.   A car bomb exploded near an Israeli patrol in southern Lebanon on Monday, wounding one soldier, security officials in Lebanon said.

96.   A clash with mortars and machine guns ensued in which one Israeli soldier was wounded and at least one Amal fighter was killed.

97.   A car bomb exploded near an Israeli patrol in southern Lebanon on Monday, wounding a soldier, security officials in Lebanon said.

98.   A Dutch soldier was wounded in a grenade attack and a vehicle was destroyed.

99.   A Danish peacekeeper was killed and two Polish soldiers were wounded.

100.   A French soldier was wounded Saturday by a land mine while on patrol in Serb Sarajevo.

v. + soldier >>共 419
kill 25.29%
wound 12.64%
injure 5.86%
send 2.02%
shoot 1.52%
include 1.46%
deploy 1.43%
accuse 1.37%
see 1.27%
arrest 1.22%
wound + n. >>共 421
soldier 18.51%
people 17.08%
civilian 5.87%
policeman 4.21%
man 3.44%
officer 2.45%
woman 2.36%
person 2.06%
dozen 1.66%
militiaman 1.47%
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