91.   Spending overall may increase more substantially if workers received better-than-expected summer bonuses.

92.   Staffing levels, wages, and fringe benefits for public employees should be in line with what workers receive elsewhere.

93.   Temporary workers typically receive benefits and pay comparable to those of full-time workers, but they do not have the job security.

94.   That is why the benefit formula helps low-wage workers, why workers with dependents receive family benefits and why disability insurance is provided.

95.   That left economists optimistic that spending will improve by summer after workers receive their bonuses.

96.   Temporary workers have received more attention than telecommuters because the stakes for Corporate America are higher, lawyers said.

97.   That would pull average earnings higher, even if no workers received raises.

98.   The appeals court sent the case back to a district court to determine how many workers should receive the benefits and how much they should be.

99.   The amount the worker receives is based on age and years of service.

100.   The Clinton administration has repeatedly said that it would admit more foreign workers only if U.S. workers receive more safeguards and more training for high-tech jobs.

n. + receive >>共 1000
company 3.61%
police 1.98%
patient 1.72%
family 1.72%
worker 1.57%
group 1.47%
player 1.46%
child 1.45%
official 1.41%
people 1.41%
worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
say 8.15%
have 3.61%
go 1.63%
begin 1.41%
use 1.33%
take 1.28%
find 1.28%
try 1.17%
receive 1.10%
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