91.   Still, Ms. Minow has managed to win the respect of many executives of companies she has taken on.

92.   Such talk has generally won Barak respect in the Arab world, but he also made it clear that he will be no pushover as a negotiator.

93.   The American victories in snowboarding capped a long struggle by many supporters of the sport to win respect from mainstream athletes and Olympic officials.

94.   The general has won the respect of both Albanians and Serbs, despite the continuing violence.

95.   The idea of trying to win respect with a change in title is everywhere.

96.   The Israelis generations ago won the respect of Americans by their willingness to defend themselves.

97.   The United States has won four of its last five matches against Mexico and thus has won grudging respect from its fans.

98.   They are refined, intelligent, accomplished at their crafts, and have not only won the respect of their peers, but their friendships.

99.   What he wants to do in the final days of spring training is to continue to build bonds with the players and win their respect.

100.   While his tenure has been too brief to leave much of a mark on the agency, Pena managed to win some respect from the industry.

v. + respect >>共 234
have 14.87%
pay 14.00%
earn 8.77%
get 7.42%
show 7.23%
command 5.42%
win 5.13%
gain 4.39%
lose 3.19%
deserve 2.97%
win + n. >>共 510
game 8.00%
election 3.84%
race 3.40%
approval 3.31%
title 3.21%
support 3.19%
championship 2.75%
toss 2.44%
tournament 2.23%
seat 2.18%
respect 0.42%
每页显示:    共 158