91.   His retirement comes amid widespread speculation that Mahathir will call a snap election.

92.   His silence led to widespread speculation about the motives for his decision.

93.   In recent months there has been widespread speculation that Syria might even attack Israel to break the deadlock.

94.   It was not clear who provided the opposition with the aircraft, but widespread speculation focused on Moscow.

95.   Microsoft Corp. prepares to launch its controversial computer on-line service amid widespread speculation it will quickly dominate the industry.

96.   NATO officials denied widespread speculation that these moves have been aimed at limiting the power and mobility of Karadzic and Mladic, but acknowledge it may have that effect.

97.   Premier Lien Chan said Saturday that Taiwan wants trade and peace with China and he dismissed widespread speculation of a possible military clash between the arch-rivals.

98.   Russian forces have been unable to take full control, however, and there is widespread speculation that Chechen rebels will try to embarass the Kremlin by provoking fighting.

99.   Relations between the two countries have been edgy at times, and there was widespread speculation in Georgia that Russia might have had a hand in the assassination attempt.

100.   Recent reports of passengers dying from clots after long flights have led to widespread speculation that flying could be to blame for deep vein thrombosis.

a. + speculation >>共 408
takeover 9.18%
widespread 8.49%
intense 3.92%
growing 3.62%
renewed 3.57%
recent 2.88%
persistent 2.13%
rampant 1.99%
pure 1.84%
considerable 1.69%
widespread + n. >>共 1160
use 4.24%
support 3.99%
corruption 3.47%
criticism 2.68%
protest 1.95%
damage 1.88%
speculation 1.86%
discrimination 1.76%
violence 1.69%
abuse 1.62%
每页显示:    共 170