91.   When they seek to return to the world of work, they often find a welcome mat waiting.

92.   While they have found work on the farms and in the factories, new immigrants have not found a welcome mat on Long Island.

93.   While Vietnam officially remains a one-party communist state, its pragmatic-minded leaders have put out the welcome mat for U.S. business.

94.   While major league baseball tries to keep its fans from violating the field, the Ravens are rolling the welcome mat over the Yale Stadium grass.

95.   A week ago, people spread blankets in the streets as welcome mats for his troops who easily ousted government troops.

96.   Along with the welcome mat and warm handshakes awaiting foreign businesses that invest in China are some unpleasant, often costly, surprises.

97.   At times the welcome mat has been a bit frayed.

98.   BEIJING -- Along with the welcome mat and warm handshakes awaiting foreign businesses that invest in China are some unpleasant, often costly, surprises.

99.   But its new leaders already have the welcome mat out, hoping to make it a hot destination for tourists undeterred by the cold.

100.   But the Capital City wields a big welcome mat, as U.S. Healthcare and Unisys expansions will attest.

a. + mat >>共 132
welcome 28.84%
straw 16.51%
sleeping 5.58%
wrestling 3.26%
plastic 3.02%
woven 1.86%
thick 1.63%
thin 1.40%
disinfectant 1.16%
dense 0.93%
welcome + n. >>共 549
news 7.96%
change 6.46%
mat 6.41%
relief 4.29%
addition 3.72%
back 2.58%
sign 2.58%
respite 2.33%
ceremony 2.02%
development 1.96%
每页显示:    共 123