91.   The FDA sends hundreds of warning letters to companies each year, and only a small minority of them result in substantial agency action.

92.   The first indication of trouble, Loss said, came in warning letters the company received about manufacturing practices in its Puerto Rican plants.

93.   The groups were hired after the company learned that the federal agency was writing a warning letter, he said.

94.   The FDA issues hundreds of warning letters every year only a small minority of which result in agency action.

95.   The FDA issues hundreds of warning letters every year.

96.   The FDA sends hundreds of warning letters to companies each year and only a small fraction of them result in agency action.

97.   The FDA sends hundreds of warning letters to companies each year, and only a small minority of them result in substantive agency action.

98.   The FDA sends hundreds of warning letters to companies each year, often for minor infractions of technical requirements.

99.   The FDA sends out hundreds of warning letters every year.

100.   The newspaper also sought to stop the use of the best-seller lists on Borders.com but did not send a warning letter to Barnesandnoble.com.

a. + letter >>共 1005
warning 3.11%
anonymous 2.82%
threatening 2.51%
similar 2.18%
angry 2.07%
suspicious 2.05%
recent 2.01%
personal 1.99%
first 1.99%
fund-raising 1.85%
warning + n. >>共 306
shot 21.99%
sign 15.89%
track 7.12%
label 6.92%
letter 4.20%
system 4.03%
strike 3.64%
signal 3.50%
light 2.69%
station 2.27%
每页显示:    共 149