91.   An appeals court ruled that a jury could find that Wackenhut failed to exercise sufficient care in hiring the guard, who had a record of violent crimes.

92.   And as part of the state budget, mandatory sequestration of deliberating jurors has also been eliminated, except in trials for the most violent crimes.

93.   And if history holds, he said, young blacks will be responsible for a disproportionate share of violent crimes when compared with whites.

94.   And addicts still need money for drugs, so clean needles do nothing to reduce robberies or violent crime.

95.   And he is the one that offers NFL officials a test case for their new violent crime policy.

96.   And it led to measures, now before the state legislature, to provide better protection for witnesses to violent crimes.

97.   And its prevalence, some say, in part explains why violent crime is decreasing in New York.

98.   And high school students who commit violent crimes find themselves tried, at a record rate, in adult court.

99.   And putting aside the threat of war, India remains a relatively safe destination for visitors, with little violent crime.

100.   And Saudi-watchers point to a steep rise in violent crime and drug-trafficking as a sign of a breakdown in law and order since September.

a. + crime >>共 993
violent 14.30%
serious 5.74%
juvenile 3.08%
alleged 2.89%
rising 2.83%
organised 2.58%
street 2.35%
federal 2.31%
political 2.02%
high 1.94%
violent + n. >>共 975
crime 14.58%
protest 7.71%
clash 5.09%
incident 4.05%
attack 2.90%
demonstration 2.73%
confrontation 2.58%
act 2.28%
campaign 1.75%
criminal 1.68%
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