91.   The offense was its usual impotent self Sunday but the defense kept Flutie and the Bills in check for virtually all of regulation.

92.   The Nets were their usual selves, too.

93.   The running game is simply not its usual punishing self.

94.   The temperature was hovering around freezing, and the wind was its usual fierce self.

95.   Then she switched gears again, back to her usual self.

96.   Times Square was its usual rollicking self, which was fine with the commissioner.

97.   Wayne Presley is a more than adequate penalty killer, and Sergei Nemchinov is his usual responsible self as a third-line center.

98.   When the cameras gathered around Swoopes on Monday, she was her usual charismatic self, sure.

99.   When asked about the future, public relations executives return to their usual sunny selves.

100.   When she met Kinkel for ice cream last week, he was his usual playful self, but seemed angry at his parents for grounding him.

a. + self >>共 400
former 12.77%
usual 11.84%
old 11.42%
true 4.65%
inner 3.72%
normal 2.54%
younger 2.45%
real 1.95%
new 1.10%
public 0.85%
usual + n. >>共 2049
self 2.26%
suspect 2.19%
way 1.55%
practice 1.53%
number 1.18%
method 0.86%
style 0.69%
manner 0.60%
amount 0.58%
role 0.58%
每页显示:    共 139