91.   He also works with thousands of allied troops from France, Britain, Australia and elsewhere that are assisting American forces on the ground in Afghanistan.

92.   He continued to press Tuesday for a compromise that would involve a peacekeeping force led by the United Nations that could include troops from NATO countries.

93.   He rejected suggestions that his government was moving too slowly to remove troops from Northern Ireland and release paramilitary prisoners.

94.   He has pledged to strive for progress in negotiations with Syria and hopes he can withdraw Israeli troops from Lebanon within a year.

95.   He refused to bomb in Bosnia, withdrew U.S. troops from Somalia and recalled the ship from Haiti, thereby earning a reputation for inconstancy that haunts his presidency.

96.   He said Eritrea is still calling for both countries to pull their troops back from the border and create a demilitarized zone.

97.   He said he knows of no plans to send troops from Bright Star to combat, but plans could change.

98.   He said that talks could not take place without the simultaneous withdrawal of all foreign troops from Zaire.

99.   He said the FARC aims to sow chaos and make government security forces more vulnerable by forcing Pastrana to deploy troops from the undermanned army throughout the country.

100.   He should focus his efforts on assuring the security of Jewish areas and religious sites and withdraw Israeli troops from Palestinian areas of the city.

n. + from >>共 1445
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