91.   Canada, a trading partner with Cuba, is considering its own sanctions against U.S. companies if Clinton fails to sign waivers.

92.   Canadian traders watch U.S. economic developments closely because they are usually mirrored in Canada, its largest trading partner.

93.   Chief trading partner Russia helps subsidize economy by with fuel and raw materials.

94.   Charlotte has emerged as a possible trading partner.

95.   Canada runs a trade deficit with all its other major trading partners.

96.   China has replaced Japan as our most one-sided trading partner.

97.   Clinton says he needs fast track to assure trading partners that the administration truly is the final negotiator of any agreement.

98.   Communist officials have repeatedly prohibited public protests against visiting Japanese dignitaries, concerned about tarnishing relations with an important trading partner.

99.   Congress has been deciding each year whether to treat China as it treats Japan, Great Britain and other trading partners.

100.   Clinton, with the support of congressional Republicans and the U.S. business community, has refused to do so, saying such a move would offend independent trading partners.

a. + partner >>共 537
trading 9.55%
new 3.77%
foreign 3.56%
former 2.73%
potential 2.69%
major 2.41%
managing 2.31%
the 2.17%
local 2.06%
general 2.02%
trading + n. >>共 726
partner 10.53%
volume 7.16%
day 5.58%
system 4.28%
company 4.04%
floor 3.14%
house 3.01%
session 2.98%
deadline 2.94%
activity 2.74%
每页显示:    共 960