91.   Traders also bought dollars on ebbing concern that Japanese government-linked institutional investors may sell U.S. Treasury bonds and convert the dollar proceeds into yen.

92.   Traders first bought dollars for marks, then sold those dollars for yen.

93.   Traders often buy dollars as a haven in times of military or political turmoil.

94.   Traders often buy or sell futures contracts to offset open positions to limit their exposure to volatile price swings in the wake of government projections.

95.   Traders often buy the dollar as a safe haven on signs of global conflict.

96.   To change yen to marks, traders first buy dollars, and then convert the dollars to marks.

97.   Traders also bought bonds on expectations the turbulence in Asia will slow the U.S. economy enough to restrain inflation.

98.   Traders also bought marks and sold dollars on expectations that Germany will raise interest rates sooner and by a wider margin than the U.S.

99.   Traders also bought marks to pare back bets that Europe will move smoothly to a single currency.

100.   Traders also bought the dollar as a haven amid saber rattling in the Korean peninsula.

n. + buy >>共 1188
investor 11.84%
people 7.38%
company 7.04%
consumer 3.69%
customer 3.04%
money 2.78%
government 2.08%
trader 1.95%
fund 1.52%
bank 1.30%
trader + v. >>共 358
say 49.06%
be 5.16%
expect 4.51%
await 2.68%
take 1.61%
buy 1.30%
sell 1.26%
speculate 1.22%
look 0.94%
have 0.85%
每页显示:    共 166