91.   It warned that the arms buildup could threaten stability in the Caucasus region.

92.   Jiang did not specify what these actions were, but said they impeded reunification and threatened regional stability.

93.   Mahathir claimed that many of the extremists belong to the party and threaten the stability of Malaysia.

94.   Militants like Irfan are at the center of a new wave of violence that some officials believe could threaten the stability of this Muslim country.

95.   Narokobi has called on Skate to resign, warning that his continued leadership threatened the stability of the country.

96.   Museveni brought stability after the ruinous regimes of Idi Amin and Milton Obote, but that stability is now threatened by rebel groups.

97.   On the economic crisis affecting the country, Susilo suggested that the campaign for reform should be waged without threatening political stability.

98.   Officials in this British colony say influx of Haitians threatening stability.

99.   On Thursday, Somali Prime Minister Hassan Abshir Farah accused neighboring Ethiopia of undermining peace efforts in Somalia and threatening the stability of the Horn of Africa.

100.   Now, that stability is threatened and Cardoso must rein in the international financial crisis that began in Asia and is now poised to strike his country.

v. + stability >>共 225
bring 9.84%
maintain 8.46%
threaten 7.98%
restore 7.65%
ensure 6.13%
provide 4.61%
promote 3.71%
achieve 2.57%
undermine 2.19%
have 1.90%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
每页显示:    共 167