91.   But the two discussed technical APEC issues and not U.S.-Japan trade woes.

92.   But while technical issues will play a part in the decision, the IOC is also likely to take geopolitical factors into account.

93.   Cohen said technical issues, which have so far blocked the deal, were resolved but some financial issues remain to be ironed out.

94.   Commissioners Terrance J. Fitzpatrick and Nora Mead Brownell voted no, citing several remaining technical issues surrounding how Verizon opens up its network to competitors.

95.   Continuing consultations will be held to address technical issues that may arise during the implementation of this plan.

96.   Critics have complained that ICANN too often favors businesses and oversteps its mandate to focus strictly on technical issues.

97.   Dozens of Israeli and Syrian delegates have for the first time joined the talks, enabling the two sides to address the technical issues before them.

98.   Hans Corell, head of the U.N. team, said the talks were complicated by many technical issues.

99.   Hans Corell, head of the U.N. team, said the talks were complicated by technical issues.

100.   He acknowledged the talks were held in a businesslike and professional manner, but that the complex technical issues needed time to be resolved.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
technical 0.53%
technical + n. >>共 977
problem 7.30%
assistance 4.54%
support 3.86%
factor 2.12%
skill 2.08%
expertise 1.90%
reason 1.82%
issue 1.69%
expert 1.67%
detail 1.60%
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