91.   Mrs. Carson said she hoped that Democrats and swing voters alike would become so fed up with the Lewinsky inquiry that the issue might even help her.

92.   Now, she can spend the coming months trying to convert swing voters instead of dividing Democrats.

93.   Now that Feinstein and the six other senators have said that they will vote to override, only one potential swing voter has yet to declare his intentions.

94.   Of course, Clinton is angling for those same swing voters.

95.   On the other are people like Maloney, who are locked in tough re-election fights and who are concerned that appearing soft on Clinton will infuriate swing voters.

96.   On the other hand, if they are too aggressive, GOP congressional candidates risk alienating key swing voters.

97.   On the one hand, McCain can help Bush by attracting swing voters - independents and Democrats.

98.   Other proposed cuts in energy conservation and environmental enforcement also have Republican champions who are swing voters in a Congress where Republican control is precarious.

99.   Other groups may contain larger numbers of swing voters but still, on balance, vote rock-solid majorities for one candidate or the other.

100.   Others try to think of a graceful straddle that might soothe swing voters, who are likely to bristle when it explodes as a national controversy.

n. + voter >>共 194
swing 18.67%
woman 14.29%
minority 12.57%
middle-class 4.38%
poll 3.24%
academy 2.67%
show 2.67%
core 2.48%
first-time 2.38%
fall 1.81%
swing + n. >>共 181
voter 18.11%
state 13.68%
vote 12.38%
district 4.53%
bowler 3.42%
pass 3.05%
set 2.96%
coach 2.87%
band 2.40%
music 2.22%
每页显示:    共 195