91.   Scientists hope that studying these effects in health astronauts will lead to discovering the mechanisms that trigger such problems, which could then lead to methods of controlling them.

92.   She studied the effects of psychoanalysis on the patient, a subject she repeatedly wrote about.

93.   Sheridan Titman, a Boston College finance professor who has studied the effect of splits on stock prices, concurs.

94.   Since mid-December, research meteorologists working from Michigan have been studying the effect of the Great Lakes on winter-time precipitation.

95.   So far, no birds have been killed by the Searsburg turbines, but Green Mountain is still studying other effects on the birds.

96.   Steinberg has sponsored seminars to study the effects of head injuries on players.

97.   Studying the effect of low-fat diets beginning in childhood is enormously difficult, said Hunter.

98.   Studying the effects of aromatherapy can be challenging.

99.   The affidavits will be presented to doctors studying the effects of the defoliation, as well as the Colombian government.

100.   The alternative minimum tax has come under renewed scrutiny recently as legislators and tax analysts study the effect it would have on any broad-based tax cut.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
study + n. >>共 873
issue 3.58%
way 2.85%
possibility 2.50%
proposal 2.20%
law 2.06%
effect 1.78%
problem 1.34%
art 1.30%
history 1.19%
report 1.16%
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