91.   Fast-track authority would give Clinton the power to strike trade deals without worrying about Congress amending them.

92.   Even if a deal is struck soon, the contract would not be final for weeks or months.

93.   Eventually, a modest distribution deal was struck with well-established Massachusetts indie Rounder Records, but only after the album was finished.

94.   Fleet Financial Group Monday confirmed that it discussed the sale of its mortgage banking company to Countrywide Credit Industries last year, but that no deal was struck.

95.   For the moment, big British and American oil firms are reluctant to be seen striking deals with Iraq.

96.   Fox officials are as frustrated as anyone that the issue has dragged, especially since they struck deals with other opertors very quickly.

97.   Funerals are often scheduled, deals struck and investments made only after the seal of approval from a feng shui practitioner.

98.   Goodlatte struck his deal on the bill with Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La.

99.   Hart now practices law in Denver, but he said he spends much of his time in Russia and Eastern Europe helping US firms strike business deals.

100.   He has to strike some deal by next June, when the managed-care law expires.

v. + deal >>共 454
make 6.57%
sign 5.56%
approve 5.42%
complete 4.35%
announce 4.22%
strike 3.87%
reach 3.49%
do 3.38%
negotiate 2.79%
close 2.64%
strike + n. >>共 1042
deal 8.56%
chord 4.71%
balance 4.05%
target 2.50%
blow 2.48%
agreement 2.22%
ball 1.81%
fear 1.72%
gold 1.65%
people 1.35%
每页显示:    共 460