91.   While the cost cuts and layoffs signaled the problems the company has been having, they also showed that it was taking steps to improve itself, he said.

92.   With the government hinting every day that it will take steps to improve the economy, investors have been repurchasing those shares.

93.   With obstruction calls diminishing again, the NHL will take other steps to improve the game.

94.   Young recommended that Nike take steps to improve the grievance procedures and otherwise bolster the rights of the workers in its factories.

95.   President Hosni Mubarak offered reassurances that Egypt was still safe, while taking steps to improve security.

96.   A second ANC-led government will take stronger steps to improve the lives of millions of blacks neglected under apartheid, they have said.

97.   A second ANC-led government will take stronger steps to improve the lives of millions of blacks neglected under apartheid, they said.

98.   ACOG leaders denied they intended to circumvent board members, and vowed to take steps to improve communication.

99.   And he urged Romanians to take the tough, expensive steps to improve their economic and political systems.

100.   Au said Macau must take steps to improve security and fight corruption in government.

n. + improve >>共 1228
condition 7.51%
situation 5.26%
economy 4.13%
thing 2.97%
relation 2.64%
step 2.27%
business 2.26%
technology 1.71%
weather 1.63%
sale 1.20%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
make 1.70%
reduce 1.42%
help 1.23%
forward 1.02%
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