91.   The factories in those locations allowed it to stay out the price war and beef up its overall production.

92.   The old Agassi would stay out all night, socializing, drinking, doing whatever.

93.   The Packers have denied that they were overconfident or that they stayed out excessively late the week leading up to that game.

94.   The ones who stayed out the longest will be suspended, he said.

95.   The perfect excuse for every screw-up, whether it be a flunked math test, failure to take the trash out, staying out past curfew, whatever.

96.   The Serb police had been using the factory but now they stayed out, guarding the doors with guns from far away.

97.   They are amazed that he makes it to court every morning, because he likes to stay out late.

98.   They rented a limousine the previous night, stayed out late and slept in, according to one source close to the team.

99.   They often stayed out all night, when the animals are most active.

100.   They stayed out late.

v. + out >>共 668
keep 9.23%
spell 8.31%
leave 7.21%
lie 5.24%
force 3.62%
squeeze 3.62%
pump 2.96%
sniff 2.58%
flesh 2.33%
stay 1.90%
stay + p. >>共 74
in 40.80%
with 12.21%
on 9.11%
at 8.93%
out_of 6.47%
for 4.15%
behind 2.84%
off 1.61%
within 1.33%
up 1.31%
out 0.51%
每页显示:    共 142