91.   Only a few states still use the electric chair, and Florida has already authorized lethal injection in case its chair is ever outlawed.

92.   Parnham said the testimony about the television show was the only thing the state could use to show premeditation.

93.   Other states use the national codes.

94.   Potassium chloride was one of the three drugs the state used in executing Riggs on Tuesday night.

95.   Republicans want education funds to be distributed to the states in block grants that the state could use for any programs, including private-school vouchers.

96.   Republicans have proposed turning Medicaid funds into lump sum payments states could use as they wish for health care for the poor.

97.   Seven other states use the electric chair or another method, usually lethal injection.

98.   She added that the college and skill training that the state used to encourage was too costly and rarely led to good jobs.

99.   Several states are using CMA pellets to treat bridges and roads in environmentally sensitive areas.

100.   Several states use voice recognition for parolees on home detention.

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state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
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