91.   McCain, the Arizona Republican who sponsored the bill and who has made campaign reform his signature issue, said passing it would help restore public faith in politics.

92.   MBNA first obtained the support of two Republicans on the Banking Committee who were sponsoring a bill to scale back some banking regulations.

93.   Mineta sponsored the bill to authorize the memorial.

94.   Mazzoni went on to sponsor the bill, signed by the governor Wednesday, that outlaws product references in schoolbooks bought with state money for classroom use.

95.   Ms. Kuehl first sponsored the bill at the urging of the nurses union two years ago, and it passed the Legislature but was vetoed by Wilson.

96.   No one is currently sponsoring the bill, and Seiger said it would have little chance of passage.

97.   Now he is sponsoring a bill to eliminate those same price regulations.

98.   Norwood, who met with Bush aides at the White House on Monday, decided to wait to sponsor the bill in deference to the president.

99.   Other senators sponsoring the bill are Bingaman, Domenici, Kyl and McCain.

100.   Patton said he agreed to sponsor the bill after meeting with a confederation of biker groups and seeing the diversity of their membership.

v. + bill >>共 459
pay 10.06%
pass 9.37%
sign 6.22%
approve 5.78%
veto 5.68%
introduce 5.33%
oppose 3.10%
support 2.89%
foot 2.20%
send 1.74%
sponsor 1.45%
sponsor + n. >>共 533
terrorism 7.66%
bill 6.86%
event 5.14%
legislation 5.07%
conference 3.29%
resolution 2.26%
talk 2.14%
program 2.14%
study 1.53%
measure 1.50%
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