91.   Precise calculations are crucial in space missions.

92.   Prosecutors said in court papers that Torricelli installed a program on a computer used by NASA to perform satellite design and mission analysis concerning future space missions.

93.   Russia will begin an experiment next week simulating long-term space missions on the international space station, a news agency reported Thursday.

94.   Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin declared Friday that the Mir space station was safe, and said the problem-plagued space mission should continue.

95.   Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin declared Friday that the Mir space station safe, and said the problem-plagued space mission should continue.

96.   Since the Soviet collapse, Russia has been relying on Baikonur for its manned space missions.

97.   Techniques learned from drilling into the waters of Lake Vostok one day could be applied to those space missions, said Priscu.

98.   The experience was far from being as stressful as a space mission, but it did pose challenges.

99.   The space mission was planned under the previous government of Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar.

100.   The Russians say they have earned their role through years of long-term space missions.

n. + mission >>共 448
peace 10.99%
trade 10.48%
rescue 7.53%
observer 5.35%
shuttle 5.05%
reconnaissance 3.79%
suicide 3.21%
space 2.88%
repair 2.15%
spy 1.89%
space + n. >>共 649
agency 11.72%
official 10.77%
program 10.67%
exploration 3.69%
travel 3.36%
mission 2.65%
center 2.34%
alien 1.81%
technology 1.37%
telescope 1.30%
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