91.   But the budget office said that most of the savings would occur through slower growth of payments to HMOs for people already enrolled.

92.   But the January sales appear to portend continued, slower growth.

93.   But the snapshot of the labor market confirmed that the risks facing the economy have shifted toward much slower growth, maybe even recession.

94.   But the trillion-dollar business faces challenges, including slower growth.

95.   But with a glut of revenues, the slower growth in the size of government, and a thriving economy, people are otherwise content, he said.

96.   But without slower growth in spending or faster growth in revenue, the Medicare fund that pays for hospital care will run out of money in about seven years.

97.   But, at the same time, he said, the slower growth in these countries will mean that U.S. export sales will slow.

98.   By accepting slower growth, Korea will condemn thousands of companies to bankruptcy and increase unemployment.

99.   But with the U.S. economy going through a slow patch, it would have made sense to expect slower growth of PC sales to corporations.

100.   Canadian stocks fell for a second day as declining Asian and European markets renewed concern that slower growth in those regions will erode profits of Canadian exporters.

a. + growth >>共 465
economic 34.20%
strong 4.05%
rapid 3.29%
slower 2.72%
sales 2.38%
slow 2.31%
slowing 1.57%
continued 1.54%
steady 1.46%
future 1.33%
slower + n. >>共 343
growth 26.77%
pace 17.36%
rate 7.82%
sale 5.44%
economy 2.50%
speed 2.07%
demand 1.30%
earnings 1.30%
car 0.99%
inflation 0.99%
每页显示:    共 616