91.   Mark Saunders, a spokesman for the postmaster general, said automation had enabled the postal system to serve more customers.

92.   McCarley said in either case DWP may be at a competitive disadvantage because the city charter prohibits the department from serving customers outside of Los Angeles.

93.   Microsoft has doggedly resisted giving any ground in the case, arguing that its software integration approach serves its customers well.

94.   Mrs. Soskil created the recipes, and, five days a week, works behind the counter serving customers.

95.   Missouri Gas serves customers in central and western Missouri, including Kansas City, St. Joseph and Joplin.

96.   NCR often serves customers in multiple countries so it makes sense to have consistent processes, he said.

97.   New local phone companies and the long-distance giants have consistently maintained that the Bells have hindered their ability to sign up and serve local customers.

98.   New York is also a primary market for the RCN Corp., perhaps the only major new local telecommunications company that has focused on serving residential customers.

99.   Outside the United States, few companies have worked harder than British Telecom to build up a global network that can serve multinational customers.

100.   Reichheld believes the Internet has enormous potential for serving customers better, with richer information, interactive relationships and innovative services.

v. + customer >>共 723
attract 8.27%
serve 3.73%
lure 3.42%
have 2.92%
lose 2.92%
charge 2.16%
keep 1.97%
draw 1.91%
provide 1.67%
reach 1.49%
serve + n. >>共 596
time 8.21%
sentence 7.75%
purpose 4.61%
notice 2.48%
food 2.15%
customer 2.00%
term 1.94%
interest 1.87%
meal 1.73%
country 1.58%
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