91.   You said about West Mainland folk.

92.   Whatever the wops say about not dying for Danzig, those dates that came were genuine.

93.   Yes, it was extremely useful to have a car, whatever people said about traffic and pollution and expense... yes...

94.   Lucy Jackson underlined what the NDO had said about using local press photographs and materials being ready before the event to ensure possible publication.

95.   Imagine that you are writing an essay, and want to refer to what Norris says about deconstruction.

96.   Leaving aside this rather striking example of language shift, what can we say about the role of JC for young black Londoners?

97.   Thereafter Gregory has nothing more to say about the Alamans.

98.   Gregory has little to say about problems faced by his uncle and mentor, Gallus.

99.   The same can be said about music which provides an immensely satisfying spiritual experience for many people for whom religion is totally dead.

100.   I just, Councillor says about cleaning out the culvert.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
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do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
say + p. >>共 77
in 43.65%
on 17.36%
at 6.73%
about 6.51%
after 3.95%
for 2.52%
with 2.23%
without 2.09%
of 2.00%
during 1.79%
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