91.   And Falouji later told reporters that rumors were circulating and it was not clear if Ayyash had actually been killed.

92.   But in a country where rumors circulate freely, observers offered several possible theories.

93.   But Falouji later said that rumors were circulating and it was not clear if Ayyash had actually been killed.

94.   But rumors have been circulating for several days in Chiapas that the military, which has long claimed to know where Marcos was, had lost track of him.

95.   Chung said such rumors circulated in diplomatic circles in Beijing earlier this week.

96.   Coup rumors have been circulating in Venezuela since the failed April putsch.

97.   Earlier Friday, rumors circulated that Bouchard was on the verge of death, but hospital officials dismissed them as untrue.

98.   FIFA general-secretary Michel Zen-Ruffinen has said rumors were circulating that Blatter ordered the suspension because it was uncovering damaging evidence.

99.   For several days, rumors had circulated around Kinshasa that the president was dead and the military was plotting to take over the government.

100.   For several days, rumors have circulated around Kinshasa that the president was dead and the military was plotting to take over the government.

n. + circulate >>共 293
rumor 18.46%
air 7.81%
report 5.27%
rumour 3.80%
story 2.43%
petition 1.69%
blood 1.48%
money 1.37%
proposal 1.27%
police 1.27%
rumor + v. >>共 237
be 32.68%
circulate 7.80%
have 7.09%
spread 5.66%
swirl 3.66%
abound 3.61%
fly 2.76%
persist 2.76%
begin 2.59%
surface 1.78%
每页显示:    共 174