91.   That rule changed last year, and now Harvard is starting to become a lot more supportive of business.

92.   That means that money for new ventures is still available, but the rules have changed.

93.   The board disagreed, saying that the rules had not changed.

94.   The director of refugee programs for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Kathleen Thompson, agreed that immigration had declined, but said the rules had not changed.

95.   The FCC will seek public comment on the rule change, commonly referred to as calling-party-pays, before making a decision.

96.   The final rule could also change the way some power and water projects operate on the Klamath and Trinity rivers.

97.   The Ferber case and two others prosecuted during an ongoing crackdown on the municipal bond business show that the rules may be changing.

98.   The Globe, however, says attitudes toward drinking have changed to the point where the rules too have changed.

99.   The ground rules are changing fast.

100.   The in-the-crease rule has changed umpteen times.

n. + change >>共 1254
thing 7.88%
time 3.56%
life 1.84%
situation 1.73%
world 1.66%
company 1.42%
attitude 1.38%
government 1.31%
rule 1.00%
people 0.88%
rule + v. >>共 596
be 26.73%
require 6.28%
apply 5.47%
allow 4.72%
prohibit 3.23%
make 2.02%
change 1.96%
say 1.82%
prevent 1.61%
have 1.53%
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