91.   Three empty rocket launchers were later seized by soldiers inside Gaza Strip, the army said.

92.   Thursday night, Metropolitan Police found part of a rocket launcher they believe was used in the attack.

93.   Typing continued until Gonzalez began using his racket as a rocket launcher, firing ball after ball at the open press box, transforming it into a shooting gallery.

94.   Two more attacks several days later ended when the Taliban failed to take a strategic road that was guarded by one rocket launcher and two more tanks.

95.   VIOLENCE Guns, chain saws, rocket launchers, steamrollers and the like, with more gore than in most cartoon deaths and amputations.

96.   While men are busy blasting virtual rocket launchers at one another over the Internet, women are talking.

97.   You may hit one emplacement, but there is no way to keep guerrillas from setting up rocket launchers on another hill.

98.   Yet the Taliban declared them un-Islamic and, in March, reduced the Buddhas to rubble with explosives and rocket launchers.

99.   Overnight a police station was attacked by militants armed with rocket launchers, authorities said on condition of anonymity.

100.   Others said tribesmen and militants are armed with rocket launchers and automatic weapons.

n. + launcher >>共 35
rocket 46.47%
grenade 37.67%
missile 8.79%
mortar 1.55%
satellite 0.95%
multiple-rocket 0.69%
tear-gas 0.52%
guerrilla 0.43%
rebel 0.34%
space 0.26%
rocket + n. >>共 236
attack 32.41%
launcher 19.63%
fire 5.68%
fuel 3.20%
scientist 2.62%
barrage 2.26%
booster 1.86%
science 1.82%
launch 1.64%
range 1.60%
每页显示:    共 536