91.   My first rock concert was when he was drumming with Bowie.

92.   Next he promoted boxing matches and rock concerts.

93.   Murder and guns were common, along with rock concerts, shopping malls and even chaste kissing.

94.   My youth was hardly wild and reckless, but my mother still worried, still lectured about my going to a rock concert or driving too late at night.

95.   Normally at rock concerts, crowds cheer with recognition when the opening chord progression of a hit song is played.

96.   Now, it is used for rock concerts, private parties and ballroom dancers.

97.   Of course, corporate sponsorships of rock concerts or rock tours are nothing new.

98.   Nothing in the U.S. special event industry, which provides for golf tournaments, rock concerts, Super Bowls and presidential inaugurations, compares to this mobilization.

99.   On Monday night, police and demonstrators clashed violently at the end of a rock concert in the designated protest area.

100.   One day, he hopes, he will promote rock concerts, much as his promoter and mentor, Cedric Kushner, once did.

n. + concert >>共 189
rock 29.14%
benefit 10.17%
music 6.50%
charity 3.98%
weekend 1.99%
summer 1.89%
tribute 1.47%
house 1.36%
symphony 1.26%
stadium 1.26%
rock + n. >>共 660
star 12.86%
band 12.47%
music 7.54%
concert 6.43%
group 4.40%
formation 2.98%
musician 2.06%
singer 1.78%
fan 1.36%
wall 1.25%
每页显示:    共 276