91.   In a meeting with the Security Council, Bizimungu acknowledged there probably had been revenge killings.

92.   In Goma, Zaire, a UNHCR spokeswoman said Tuesday Hutu refugees were streaming back from Rwanda into Zaire, fleeing revenge killings by Tutsi-led government forces.

93.   A member of the Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS was found shot in the head Thursday in a revenge killing, his family said.

94.   But the resentment against the north has not helped the socialists, discredited by the defeat, decades of socialist economic policies, and by revenge killings.

95.   Five people were killed and three injured in revenge killings between feuding families in south Egypt on Thursday, the government daily Al-Akhbar reported.

96.   The move was also designed to try and stem the flood into neighbouring countries of Hutu refugees who have fled the RPF advance in fear of revenge killings.

97.   Three assassins in a Fiat Uno shot two men dead at a crowded market in a Palermo suburb Thursday in a Mafia revenge killing, police said.

98.   Zhang, a farmer from Cangping county, was sentenced to death for shooting someone in a revenge killing.

99.   McSherry was cautious about assuming that the latest bombing was a Protestant revenge killing for an IRA shooting two days earlier.

100.   No school has been attacked by the LTTE in its protracted separatist campaign, but officials feared the Tigers could target schools in revenge killings during the Jaffna operation.

n. + killing >>共 202
contract 17.18%
revenge 11.11%
penalty 5.56%
reprisal 4.32%
police 4.01%
honor 3.60%
execution-style 2.67%
mob 2.16%
gangland-style 1.85%
school 1.85%
revenge + n. >>共 74
attack 54.68%
killing 18.06%
factor 2.68%
fantasy 1.84%
campaign 1.67%
motive 1.51%
bombing 1.34%
operation 1.34%
game 1.00%
tragedy 0.67%
每页显示:    共 107