91.   Argentine striker Julio Cruz came over to retrieve the ball and, according to the Bolivian players, uttered insults to the Bolivian team.

92.   As Gary Sheffield retrieved the ball in foul territory, Gwynn eased up rounding first base because of the injury.

93.   As Guzman was retrieving the ball, he appeared to step on it with the back of his left foot.

94.   Barbara Morrongiello tells about the boy who climbed onto a garage roof to retrieve a ball.

95.   Catcher Terry Steinbach retrieved the ball and threw to Van Poppel covering the plate.

96.   Danish midfielder Bo Hansen went in goal instead and his first task was to retrieve the ball from the net after Robert curled in a free-kick.

97.   Everett scrambled to his feet to retrieve the ball, but went down again after relaying it back to the infield.

98.   Fortunately, the ball was retrieved and given to Mark.

99.   Goalkeeper Alan Fettis rushed out to the edge of his area and partially cleared the danger only for the Borussia Dortmund forward to retrieve the ball.

100.   He retrieved the ball and gave it to a fan in the first row.

v. + ball >>共 575
hit 6.62%
throw 5.88%
get 4.24%
catch 3.44%
play 3.10%
run 2.71%
have 2.16%
take 2.13%
move 2.05%
kick 1.85%
retrieve 0.65%
retrieve + n. >>共 460
body 13.64%
ball 7.83%
information 4.61%
belonging 1.96%
datum 1.77%
message 1.58%
e-mail 1.33%
child 1.26%
car 1.26%
document 1.26%
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