91.   Reformists have been campaigning since April for repeal of laws restricting freedom of assembly and speech and enabling detention without trial.

92.   Reformists have been campaigning since April for the repeal of laws restricting freedom of assembly and speech and enabling detention without trial.

93.   Reformists have been campaigning since April for the repeal of laws that restrict freedom of assembly and speech, and allow detention without trial.

94.   Romanian human rights groups and media organizations called Wednesday for the abolition of Communist-era laws they say restrict freedom of expression.

95.   Separately, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo told the IAPA in a speech Tuesday that he opposed any measures restricting press freedom, winning loud applause.

96.   Such laws, which reformists want to abolish, restrict freedom of assembly and allow for a detention without trial.

97.   Some South African laws restricting press freedom have been left over from the apartheid-era when the white-run government sought to control the media.

98.   Such laws, which reformists want to abolish, restrict freedom of assembly and allow for detention without trial.

99.   That year, the late King Hussein introduced a liberalization program following widespread riots over price hikes and restricted public freedoms.

100.   The bill also calls for the repeal of colonial-era laws restricting freedom of assembly and of the press.

v. + freedom >>共 405
have 10.74%
restrict 5.15%
guarantee 3.38%
demand 3.29%
win 3.18%
give 2.98%
limit 2.95%
enjoy 2.81%
allow 2.72%
protect 2.32%
restrict + n. >>共 885
access 7.84%
freedom 4.20%
use 4.15%
movement 3.59%
flow 2.50%
right 2.22%
number 2.15%
sale 2.15%
import 1.94%
activity 1.94%
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