91.   The first two had been pushing for a compromise somewhat similar to what was adopted, although it would have required less disclosure.

92.   The Food and Drug Administration bans sulfites on fresh foods that are to be eaten raw and requires disclosure of sulfites on the label of processed foods.

93.   The high court has upheld laws requiring disclosure of campaign contributors.

94.   The law requires public disclosure of an evaluation and rating for each financial institution that undergoes a CRA examination by regulators.

95.   The measure would require immediate disclosure on the Internet of large campaign contributions and require advertisers to disclose who is paying for the ads.

96.   The law requires the disclosure of information about convicted offenders.

97.   The new law allows records to be shared, but it does not require disclosure of work history like that of the American Eagle pilot.

98.   The legislation would ban soft money, limit the ability of outside groups to help candidates, and require greater disclosure of campaign contributions and expenditures.

99.   The National Right to Life group, for example, opposed the bill Tuesday, saying that it would inhibit free speech by requiring disclosure of donor names.

100.   The one sponsored by John Doolittle of California would repeal all campaign limits and merely require disclosure, an obvious step backward.

v. + disclosure >>共 171
require 19.85%
make 15.11%
follow 4.74%
force 2.69%
prohibit 2.18%
include 2.18%
improve 1.79%
prevent 1.66%
provide 1.66%
increase 1.66%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
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