91.   But the Republican majority said the Democratic minority only wants to change the subject.

92.   But the Republican majority held firm on other fronts.

93.   But the Senate is a much more orderly, stuffy place and there is no hope that the Republican majority would dump Helms to save the party embarrassment.

94.   But the incident underscored how the Republican majority is so narrow that a few defections can wreak havoc.

95.   But they said they expect Bullock to recognize the new Republican majority when he makes committee assignments.

96.   But this year marks the first time a Republican majority has had a shot at rewriting it, and that could change the way some programs operate.

97.   But the Republican majority seems to go out of its way to tweak the boardroom.

98.   But with the new Republican majority determined to put its stamp on policy early, the secretary of state has become a hostage of the hearing room.

99.   By reducing the Republican majority in the House, the voters gave Clinton the leverage to shop for a censure deal.

100.   By forcing the issue against the grain of the Republican majority in the Senate, however, Clinton is underscoring partisan differences over the controversial issue of affirmative action.

a. + majority >>共 546
vast 20.09%
republican 6.67%
overwhelming 6.36%
simple 4.37%
parliamentary 4.36%
large 3.68%
absolute 3.23%
new 2.73%
great 2.53%
clear 2.11%
republican + n. >>共 565
leader 10.41%
candidate 7.25%
nomination 3.53%
senator 3.03%
nominee 2.80%
governor 2.69%
majority 2.60%
leadership 2.46%
lawmaker 2.42%
primary 1.81%
每页显示:    共 620