91.   The U.S. Census Bureau has not yet released data on children living in households of same-sex, unmarried couples, Gates added.

92.   The U.S. Census Bureau released data last week revealing the increasing role grandparents have played in raising their grandchildren in recent years.

93.   The wages report is due Wednesday and March quarter inflation data will be released Tuesday.

94.   They got around security objections by releasing data from a single microphone, which is insufficient for tracking submarines.

95.   They obtained a temporary restraining order in Travis County district court in October that prohibited the Texas Department of Insurance from releasing the data.

96.   They pointed out that most of the rally in the dollar came in overnight trading in Europe before the jobs data were released here.

97.   This means that Harvard, for example, could not be compelled to release data the EPA used in writing clean air rules, Kovacs said.

98.   This Wednesday, Italian statistical institute Istat will release inflation data for February.

99.   Though Spanish Broadcasting is privately owned, it releases financial data because it has issued publicly held bonds.

100.   Tomkins also released financial data from Gates that showed rising profit at the closely held Denver-based company.

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