91.   Meanwhile the earth tremors that have been a regular feature of life in Goma since the eruption were continuing, but less frequently than before.

92.   Peaceful demonstrations have become a regular feature of daily life at camps at Guantanamo, reflecting the building pressures as the exodus continues.

93.   Road blocks and check points are a regular feature in the capital where police and soldiers often search vehicles and check the identity papers of passengers and pedestrians.

94.   Roadblocks and check points are a regular feature in the nervous capital Colombo but more constables and soldiers could be seen here Sunday searching vehicles and checking identity papers.

95.   Roadblocks and checkpoints are a regular feature in the capital.

96.   The bomb attacks on city cafes have sharply increased the nervous stress of this community, where alerts have become a regular daily feature.

97.   The earth tremors that have been a regular feature of life in Goma since the eruption were continuing, but less frequently than before.

98.   The earth tremors that have been a regular feature of life in the town since the eruption were continuing, but less frequently than before.

a. + feature >>共 1272
new 7.89%
standard 1.93%
special 1.92%
main 1.81%
regular 1.72%
common 1.69%
facial 1.65%
important 1.51%
key 1.48%
animated 1.34%
regular + n. >>共 1096
season 18.81%
basis 3.88%
meeting 2.76%
interval 1.21%
contact 1.11%
exercise 1.08%
customer 1.03%
flight 0.96%
session 0.90%
visit 0.86%
feature 0.61%
每页显示:    共 97