91.   In addition, an increase in the number of memorial services has reduced the need for funeral processions.

92.   In addition, Democrats said, proper use of drugs could save some money by reducing the need for more costly treatments, hospitalization and nursing home care.

93.   In addition, the program will serve environmental ends by reducing the need to harvest more trees in the Pacific Northwest to replace rotted poles.

94.   In November, the company reported to the American Heart Association that Hemopure reduced the need for transfusions in cardiac-surgery patients during second-phase trials.

95.   In clinical studies presented at medical meetings, researchers found Neumega could reduce the need for platelet transfusions and allow patients to remain on chemotherapy longer.

96.   In fact, significant revenue-sharing among clubs would greatly reduce the need for a salary cap or its equivalent.

97.   In return, coffee farmers benefit from the birds, which eat tons of pesky insects and grubs, thereby reducing the need for pesticides.

98.   In the long run, they hope education reform in the public schools and the admissions standards will help reduce the need for remedial courses.

99.   In recent years, Wells Fargo trained employees to be loan officers and tellers, reducing the need for desks for both functions, for example.

100.   Indeed, the explosion of computer networking has reduced the need for independent supercomputing research centers, according to National Science Foundation officials.

v. + need >>共 626
meet 9.07%
stress 7.96%
have 5.74%
see 5.55%
eliminate 5.28%
reduce 2.92%
emphasize 2.82%
understand 2.30%
address 2.06%
underscore 2.06%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
need 0.97%
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